Xcellerate® Access Intelligence Dashboard (XAID)

Xcellerate® Access Intelligence Dashboard (XAID)

The Xcellerate® Access Intelligence Dashboard (XAID) from Labcorp Drug Development - Patient Access Solutions provides 24/7 insight into your patient access program. Industry-leading AI functionality means the system is continually learning your needs, so XAID provides data tailored to the unique needs of your patient support program. With the click of a button, you can customize ad hoc reports for clear oversight and informed decision making.

Responsive – continuous access to refreshed data and reports

Intuitive – fast implementation and easy use

Powered by AI – continually optimizing your user experience

XAID Offers Intelligent Access:


Portal access is available 24/7, so in addition to having direct access to all of your program data, the XAID platform ensures that your field team is empowered with the right tools at their fingertips for prompt access to meaningful data. They’ll be able to identify gaps and plan corrective actions to resolve issues faster. There’s no waiting for a supervisor to send reports or a service provider to customize reports. Use XAID filters and “Ask Data” AI features to gather information and form ad hoc reports to help manage your program.


The XAID tool is fast to implement and easy to use. It doesn’t require a long training period; team members and managers quickly see the information they need for program oversight. Simple click-on tabs take you to the right data and allow customization as machine learning delivers an ever-improving user experience.

Powered by AI

XAID leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning native to the Xcellerate system. This technology optimizes your user experience, including the “Ask Data” feature for fast queries. Tailor your dashboards to collect pertinent data. You’ll have the ability to identify and troubleshoot issues before they become problems.  

Xcellerate Patient Access Toolkit - photo of a woman on a computer

It’s a New Day.

Skip static spreadsheets that require manual manipulation to tell the story. Instead, empower your sales, field and payer teams with fast access to a centralized system for one source of truth. They’ll find the reliable data they need to do their jobs every day. Actionable intelligence will help managers make informed decisions to boost efficiency. You’ll ensure that barriers to getting patients on therapy are addressed quickly and that patients are staying adherent. You’ll also increase your ability to make informed program changes that yield better results for providers and patients. 


Want to learn more? 

A Manager’s View

Pain point: We have a PAP trending higher payer-level denials. I need to engage the market access team and payers to pursue formulary changes.

Solution: With XAID, I can see current income information for patients and work with the sponsor to make adjustments. Instead of relying on static spreadsheets, I get immediate, actionable intelligence for fast problem resolution.

XAID Capabilities:

  • Validate program design and monitor adherence.
  • Identify payer, prescriber and patient uptake trends.
  • Gain fast access to reporting and data analytics to drive decisions.
  • Understand payer decisions and conditions to empower sales and payer teams.

You’ll gain a competitive edge with new, proactive insights into your program. Nimbly respond to evolving market conditions and adjust your program for success. Having speedy access to program metrics means you can respond faster to clear barriers to entry and address program pain points, resulting in better physician and patient interactions.

Value Proposition

XAID is ideal for any pharmaceutical or biotech company desiring to enhance visibility into the patient journey while efficiently monitoring their patient support program performance metrics. You’ll drive efficiency and effectiveness while enhancing patients’ healthcare and improving lives.

The Labcorp Commitment

Be confident in the superior quality and useability of the XAID system. It has been developed with users for users, and our patient support clients reap the benefits of these enhanced analytics every day.

At Labcorp, we believe in the power of patient-driven science and data to save lives, and we are driven to deliver industry-leading patient access solutions with a sense of urgency. For clients committed to the relentless pursuit of life-changing patient care, we strive to be more than a partner. We’re passionate about what we do because the next patient we help could be someone we love.

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