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Pathologists provide a foundational role in exploring the causes and effects of a disease using samples of body tissues or fluids. In toxicologic pathology this foundational role extends to the assessment of the safety of a drug, compound, device or vaccine. The pathologist identifies, characterizes and manages risk versus benefit. 

What's the difference between anatomic & clinical pathology?

Anatomic Pathology

  • Analytic evaluations conducted on samples collected from humans and necropsied animals
  • Tissue examination
  • Nonclinical studies (GLP & non-GLP); only evaluation that will not be repeated in clinical studies
  • Single endpoint

Clinical Pathology

  • Analytic evaluations conducted on samples collected from living humans and animals
  • Fluid examination 
  • Nonclinical or clinical study (see clinical testing services)
  • Multiple collections possible during a study (depending on species)
Looking for pathology services for your clinical trials? 
Patient recruitment represents the biggest challenge in clinical trials. From general patient identification and participation to reducing screen failure rate or limiting patient drop out after enrollment, drug developers face many massive pain points to initiate their clinical trials.

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