Infusion Safety Pharmacology Services

If your drug is intended for vascular administration, you want a partner that’s well versed in the specialty route of administration of infusion with state of the art surgery and delivery equipment.

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Ambulatory and tethered implants

Innovative vascular delivery methods

Infusion techniques for specialty studies

Broad infusion expertise for your nonclinical studies.

Get a variety of innovative vascular delivery methods, from 24/7 continuous infusion, intermittent infusion, and slow bolus injection techniques — for rodent and non-rodent models. You’ll also benefit from advanced infusion technologies to make your unique study objectives possible.

We partner with you on the following infusion capabilities:

Ambulatory and Tethered
  • Indwelling catheters
  • Percutaneous catheters
  • Vascular Access Ports
  • Tail vein infusion
  • Ear vein infusion
Surgically Implanted Pumps
  • Micro infusion pumps
  • Special delivery techniques
Special Techniques
  • Intrathecal
  • Intraintestinal
  • Intraarterial
  • Intracerebroventricular
  • Subcutaneous

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