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Patient Service Center Sample Collection Visits

Explore a smarter specimen collection alternative that increases patient access by using the Labcorp Patient Service Center network, ultimately reducing patient burden and lowering investigator site effort.

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Lower your patients' travel and access burden

Increase participation and engagement

Improve investigator efficiency and study outcomes

What is the Patient Service Center (PSC) network?

How will utilizing the PSC network help my patients?

On average, patients visiting a patient service center will drop their travel distance from 25 miles one-way to 3 miles one-way.*

Depending on the needs of your protocol, one or more of the investigator site visits may be replaced with a more convenient visit to a local PSC.

* = from the 2018 Labcorp survey of >600 clinical trial patients 

Map of Service Center
Average Distance Traveled

How does the collection process integrate with central labs?

The patient service centers are linked to the same Labcorp central labs processing and services (CLS) that we use for samples obtained from investigator sites during clinical trials, so you can expect the same level of quality and consistency from specimens collected at the PSCs as those collected at investigator sites. 

Process of Samples

When should I consider using PSC visits?

Every clinical trial is unique and some studies lend themselves to more utilization of the patient service centers than others.

Below is a quick overview of how some studies can be particularly effective and efficient if you choose to utilize the patient service centers as part of your clinical trial. 

Common Studies

  • Oncology & Rare Disease

    • Increase patient convenience and reduce travel burden, especially for very sick patients
    • Expand effective enrollment area around investigator sites
    • Speed recruitment, ultimately lowering trial costs
  • Mega Studies

    • Increase access to large and dispersed populations
    • Provide an effective option for trials with low medical care needs, requiring fewer site visits
    • Create a scalable and cost-effective solution for trials requiring large numbers of patients
  • Biomarker Fishing

    • Scan specific populations for the presence/absence of biomarkers
    • Easy patient access for participation and may not need traditional investigator sites
    • Quickly provides screening visits across a wide geographic area
  • Phase I Follow-up

    • Continue convenient blood draws and testing for Phase I trial participants after they have left the clinic
    • Remove need to return to clinic, use any PSC
    • Allows for longer term follow up; ideal for biologics and biosimilars

What do I gain if I utilize PSC visits for my trials?

More Patients

  • Create a scalable and cost-effective solution for trials requiring large numbers of patients, including quick-screening visits

  • Gain access to a broader and deeper patient pool, including scanning specific populations for the presence/absence of biomarkers

  • Increase your access to large and dispersed populations

  • Continue convenient blood draws and testing for Phase I trial participants after they have left the clinic

Better Engagement

  • Increase your patient retention and engagement by reducing the travel burden 

  • Gain more options for trials with low medical care needs, which require fewer investigator site visits

  • Experience more options for longer term follow up (ideal for biologics and biosimilars)

Combinable Data and Processes

  • Samples collected at PSCs are subjected to the same rigorous testing as samples collected at traditional investigator sites

  • Data reporting and alerts are performed using the same tools and procedures

Patient Visit Mangaement

  • Let us handle the patient visit mangaement with our call center

By the Numbers

86% of clinical trials do not finish when scheduled.
Only 10-20% of clinical trials meet enrollment deadlines.
38% of patients consider inconvenience / travel the main reason not to join.

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