Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS)

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Our experts are accredited with the latest clinical trial management system (CTMS) and our development team knows how to get the most from the CTMS software.

Electronic Data Capture

More than just technology

You already know the benefits of using EDC for your clinical trial. But the right platform in the wrong hands can be costly for you and your drug development process. Our experts are fully accredited with all the latest CTMS platforms. And our development team knows how to get the most from these systems.

Experience matters to you

Our internal and external EDC experts combine years of experience and countless trials across all phases and therapeutic areas. We are equally adept at complex global trials or small-scale projects.

Refined processes for maximum value

Our SOPs are designed to incorporate EDC best practices for maximum value. We provide seamless efficiencies over every stage of development, with the right amount of flexibility to address project shifts.

Xcellerate® Trial Management

Our advanced Clinical Trial Operating Platform includes our Electronic Trial Master File (eTMF) and Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) Solutions

Industry-leading technology for faster decisions and quality clinical outcomes.

Clinical trials often involve multiple trial sites, team members across different time zones and multiple complex documents. As a result, managing the authoring, maintenance and access of all study documentation presents a significant challenge.
To advance your clinical trial quality and enhance your ability to obtain high-quality, audit-ready data and documentation, you need a partner who can provide the tools and technology to streamline data integration, efficiently manage your study and accelerate your results.
The Advanced Clinical Trial Operating Platform— which includes our Electronic Trial Master File (eTMF) and Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) solutions — will empower you and your team to monitor the progress of your studies continuously and identify potential problems early — allowing the right people to make key decisions at the right time.

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