Solutions to address the gloabl health crisis posed by infectious disease

Infectious Disease & Vaccines

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Discover how our experts can help take your infectious disease vaccine or therapy from concept through commecialization

Accelerate development of your asset through our comprehensive and fully integrated Phase I-IV service offering

Captialize on our experience on over 160 infectious disease treatment and vaccine studies conducted within the past five years alone

Driving global success in infectious disease prevention and treatment

The continued rise in difficult-to-treat infections and deaths caused by multidrug-resistant pathogens, as well as COVID-19 and its variants, reinforces the need to develop more safe, robust and effective therapies and vaccines against emerging and re-emerging diseases to protect people across the globe—particularly for those who have inadequate access to medical care.

Our infectious disease and vaccine experts are among the more experienced and talented in the industry with expertise spanning nonclinical and clinical development of products to prevent and treat bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. In fact, we've worked on well over 160 infectious disease and vaccine studies within the past five years—including COVID-19—and leverage this expertise to shape new opportunities for you. 

Decoding the complex challenges of vaccine and anti-infective drug development

From selecting the most appropriate animal model system to acquiring information on the immunogenicity of vaccine antigens to determining characteristics critical to your vaccine’s success, we make sure your molecule regulatory submission is sound. And, if you need rapid project initiation of large global trials with integrated laboratory and microbiology services, we have the expertise to swiftly deliver against your critical milestones.

  • Acquire validated stocks of well-characterized infectious challenge agents to evaluate prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines and anti-infectives

  • Capitalize on our significant BSL-1 and BSL-2 containment facilities, which are accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Care, registered by the United States Department of Agriculture and assured by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare

  • Develop transport solutions and prepare custom minimal inhibitory concentration plates to test susceptibility for a new study drug

Attacking opportunistic pathogens using insight and expertise

The world is running out of effective treatments for common infections, including urinary tract, wound, bloodstream and sexually transmitted infections, which are often fatal in vulnerable and underserved populations. Similarly, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases such as COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and tuberculosis continue to pose a global public health threat. With research rapidly advancing and new paradigms for disease prevention and treatment, the competitive landscape for new vaccines and therapies in development requires rapid testing to provide both medical and economic proof of efficacy. We have successfully partnered with biopharmaceutical companies to bring multiple assets to market including three of the last four antibiotics, as well as vaccines against COVID-19. From genomics to clinical development to safety and viral testing in our central laboratories, we are relentless in our promise to provide you guidance and help deliver solutions made real.

Comprehensive and integrated solutions to accelerate the development of your asset while maximizing your return on investment

We deliver a holistic suite of services, tools and technologies essential to infectious disease vaccine and therapy development. From preclinical immunology to proof-of-concept studies to larger Phase II/III clinical trials and post-approval studies, our goal is to draw on our vast scientific and operational experience to your benefit. And we integrate our services early on to help you expeditiously advance your asset through clinical and regulatory milestones, while ensuring the safety of study participants and your molecule's return on investment. 

Browse the Infectious Disease Education Center: 

  • Scientific posters
  • Articles and white papers
  • Blog posts
  • Videos and webinars

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