Shanghai Location

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Our Shanghai team specializes in preclinical pharmaceutical development offering a variety of options for study and molecule types, as well as capacity to accommodate fast and flexible study starts. From biologics to Immunotoxicology & Immunology to IND-enabling, our global data approach ensures dependable delivery. 

Recent Investments & Expansions

Now offering the following enhancements:

  • 2X more large animal capacity for fast and flexible study starts
  • Options for EU-compliant housing
  • Full-service IND-enabling packages for Biologics
  • New Immunotoxicology & immunology and cell culture laboratories
  • Disease model testing for COPD, IBD, Tumor xenografts, NASH, hepatitis and fibrosis
  • Connected scientific and regulatory expertise enabling dual filing in the U.S. and China and large molecule IND-enabling studies

Quick Facts About our Shanghai Facility:

85,000+ Gross Ft2
45+ No. of Study Rooms
5+ No. of PhDs
140+ Total Employment

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  • AAALAC accredited
  • Animal housing compliant with the Guide to the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th edition
  • Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Certification from the NMPA of the People's Republic of China and the OECD. Inspected by the US FDA

Dose Routes

  • Dermal
  • IV infusion
  • Oral: capsule, gavage
  • Parenteral (IM, SC, IV)

The Shanghai R&D Center

The Shanghai R&D Center combines bioanalytical, clinical trial testing and clinical development operations in one convenient location. This experienced team has more than 20 years of experience with Chinese regulations and drug development best-practices. 

Shanghai R&D Center

Asia Pacific Expansion

Broadening the borders of drug development

Did you know that 15 percent of the drug development pipeline is in the Asia Pacific region? That’s not all that surprising considering 59 percent of the total world population is in Asia alone. With the recent expansion of our Shanghai facility, you’ll find 50 percent more capacity and advanced study capabilities in this rapidly growing market. Learn more about our state-of-the-art renovations in Shanghai.

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