UK Reach

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Strategic regulatory guidance to help you plan for UK-REACH in the context of global regulations

Proven track record of working as an OR

Vast experience working with the UK regulator - HSE

The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020 and until 31 December 2020 it will continue to follow EU-REACH. After this date, however, there will be a new UK-based regulatory framework for chemicals manufactured or imported into the UK. Exact details of the framework are unclear, although it is based on EU-REACH. Initially, the EU and UK frameworks are likely to be very similar; however regulations may diverge over time. Find out more in-depth information on  UK-REACH in our ebook.

Registering for UK-REACH when based outside the UK

Only companies with a legal entity based in the UK can register chemicals in UK-REACH. If you are not, then you need a UK-based Only Representative (OR) registrant. The OR takes on the legal responsibility of complying with UK-REACH on your behalf.

Transferring REACH registrations into UK-REACH

If you already have chemicals registered under REACH in the EU, you need to transfer their registration to a UK-based company or OR. To maintain short-term access that means following the process for HSE notification to ‘grandfather’ them into the UK system. 

What You Get

Experience as a UK-REACH OR for many companies and chemicals 

Our dedicated regulatory specialist team can take on all legal responsibilities for your UK-REACH registration as a UK-based OR. We have proven expertise in supplying OR services under EU REACH and now under UK-REACH as well. Our regulatory scientists have vast experience working with the UK regulator, the HSE. Partner with us and we can manage all the technical, scientific, legal and administrative aspects of the OR role for you. Find out more about our Only Representative services. 

Support for ‘grandfathering’ of substances into UK-REACH

We can help you make long-term strategic decisions about how to optimize your chemical portfolio across the EU/EEA and UK markets. In the meantime, our regulatory experts can help you notify and ‘grandfather’ your registered chemicals from EU-REACH into UK-REACH. This buys you important time for strategic reflection and time to gain access data and prepare a formal registration and dossier. Formal registration must be submitted within two years of notification.

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